Sunday, January 30, 2011

RE 102 - Temptation Reflection

1.) I was once tempted to bet a lot of money in a card game, since the prize was high. Even though I was Confident that I could win, I turned down the offer. There was also a time when I was in highschool, in the canteen I saw a twenty peso bill on the floor but instead of keeping it for myself, I looked for the owner of the money so that I could return it. And then there were times when I had no pocket money but I wanted to go outside, I know that there is money inside the coin purse my grandmother kept, but I decided not to take it and just stay home.
2.) During highschool, I was with the popular group of my class. We were the group that all the teachers and staff knew, although in quite a negative way, however, I still had to resist the temptation of doing all of the negatives they did. Once I was asked to join them in taking pictures with them cursing the school logo, I turned down the offer. And sometimes they would ask me to make noise inside the library but still I refused.
3.) In a computer game, a game master asked me to break another player's charatcer in exchange for his position as a GM, even though I wanted to be GM, I wouldn't break someone else's character for it. One time, during a group presentation our leader was absent and my groupmate told me that I should write myself as the leader and exclude her from the group but I sadi that it won't be fair to do so. And finally, there was a time when one of my friends told me that she would make me her king, I told her that I had no right to have power over her even if she told me to do so.

I dealt with each situation with careful understanding and a prayer, knowing that only God can give me the riches I need, the popularity in a positive perspective, and power that can make others benefit from what I can do.

Prayer gives me the extra strength I need to resist temptation, praying reminds me of God who I put my trust and faith in. Every situation where I am tempted always makes me pray, because God's signs are my pushing factor to say no when tempted to do evil.

Prayer as a weapon to fight temptation is the best gift God gave us, using it effectively not only during the hard times but also during the celebrations of having gone through the hardships is the way I use prayer.

My advice to others, if you're faced with temptation, no matter who tempts you or what offers he might give you, the first thing you do is to pray. Then when you gain enough strength, look that person in the eye and reject his offer. Once you believe in the power of God, no matter how big the amount you were tempted with is gone, you will have no regrets.

NSTP Project - 10 Seeds of Excellency

Remember Names of People
It is important to remember the names of people because it will help me become a better person through having a clear and well organized way of addressing the people who are around me.
If I am able too properly call them by their names they will feel welcome to talk to me and openly tell me what their problems are, ask for help with personal and private issues, and put their trust in me.

Avoid Absenteism
By avoiding absenteism, I become fully knowlegdeable and updated with the current events, activities, and lessons that the day has in stored for me. If I would skip even just one day of learning then I will not be able to understand the next lesson that will be given and handed down, I would be overwhelmed by the amount of paper works to be done, I would be stressed and exhausted by the sermons of my colleagues and boss, thus, I will be demoted to a lower form form of excellency.

Avoid Egotism
Humility is one of the best traits of achieving excellency can benefit us to expand our standards and capabilities. If we humble ourselves then we become open for improvement, we become competitive and mindful of others at the same time. But if we let our ego take control of us, we become air headed and think that we are already the best when we close our minds to the possibilities of someone greater than us and when we do meet that someone, our ego will break causing us to break too.

Award Achievement
Award achievement can be either positive or negative by how we have achieved those awards. If we attained it through hard work and proper practices then we become excellent individuals who are able to accept and carry out a given task limited by a set of rules and following those rules while doing a good job, however, if we skip some levels or cheat in some tests then we become a failure to society. We become fake leaders with no real leadership skills and would eventually lead the people into chaos and disorder.

Give Before Getting
Being excellent needs balance. Therefore we must practice equality, by giving without expecting something in return will mold us into a kind and warm-hearted individual. Ofcourse, we might not get something from giving, rather we lose what we give, but eventually there would be a bigger and better treasure that we would gain in the end. It might not be worth as much as what we gave but it is priceless. For we can never receive the love and trust of the people around us by merely asking, we need to sacrifice to show that we are worthy of those gifts.

Smile Realistically
Excellency does not necessarily have to deprive you of your enjoyment and happiness, it actually gives you the reason to smile realistically even in times of hardship because you would already know how to deal with the problems you have to face. We know for a fact that pretending to be happy will only pull us down and bring us deeper in loneliness, hence, as a person of excellency, we must be able to find a way to face each obstacle with a smile because it is through this that we absorb the lesson behind the test efficiently.

Listen Intently to Everyone
We cannot be an effective person to the society if we close our ears to others, if we cannot take the time to listen and give the effort to understand their situation we won't be able to figure out a way to help them nor would we be able to come up with the proper steps to take in handling them without offending or making matters worse. But if we patiently hear them out and become mindful of what they are going through, then we would be able to give them the helping hand they need or tell them the right words they wish to hear and by doing so, they'll become more open to share more of their problems because they know that we would be kind enough to listen.

Read Inspirational Materials
It is better to read inspirational materials to motivate ourselves when we feel pressured, down, lazy, or when we are not in the mood. Sometimes we get helpful messages in these quotations that we may use to push and motivate others who are feeling down as well. Not only do we gain words of wisdom but once we absorb the message in these materials, we would be able to construct our own inspirational messages that others may find helpful in their times of depression.

Get Excited for Your Work
When we are given a task, we must not merely look at it as work, rather, we should see it as another adventure or a new chapter in a novel that we read. If we do this then we become excited to finish the task and see the ending from the very beginning. Not only do we become driven to finish the task, but we also become mindful of every detail we uncover and information we discover. And if we become excited for our work, we become boosted and motivated to finish it efficiently.

Be Flexible
Being flexible can also make us versatile, if we master our flexibilty then it is likely that we can have control of ourselves in a tight situation, remain our posture under pressure, and be able to finish a task even in various conditions. Flexibility is the key to success when we are faced with multiple problems. We can help different people with different points of views, perspectives, and judgments by being flexible.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Coffee Break Forever

"...she altered me, reduced to nothing at her wake, in a way that true love has affected me."

Tonight the moon peeks from the dark sky blending with the noise of the busy street lights... I take my cup of coffee slowly while I write my scene; underneath the lights of this scenic view, clandestine from the people's notice, clad in pain and cloaked in agony, walking past the places where we used to hang, fixed on a distant place wherein I can take a cup of coffee and write a stupid story...
I lay my past in front of me that when I try to move forward, I end up walking backwards. Everything is desolate, chaos runs thick through my veins, I breathe only sorrow, I've shed blood through my eyes, no noise breaks the silence amidst the emptiness that surrounds me as I walk onwards... It seemed endless, this lunatic oblivion. Whoever said that hell was like a thousand miles of burning sea is wrong, hell is cold and dark. Where nothing is the only thing you have, isolated and unable to smile. It's not the hardship and problems that define hell but the moment of losing everything that you built.
I, for once, have grown tired of this cycle of stupidity. It's time I break away from the circle where I traverse. So with this ender I narrate how Nostalgic began.

I had a choice, to grab her hand and tell her I'm sorry or to let her walk away without a word, doltish as I am, I let her go. She bares witness to my past as she is my past. I confess I still love her like before but I had accepted that it is impossible for us. Because of me. In a positive point of view I learned from her although in a negative point of view, it means that, I made most of mistakes on her which is why she hated me in a way that she didn't realized that it was, in fact, hate. But since, being me, I continued my foolish attempt to make her fall. She did fall. Fall out of my friends list. Regret? Naah. Albeit she altered me in a way that true love has affected me, I couldn't care less. Well, college surely has great effects on a kid, especially being me, that I sort of forgot that she still exists. Well since I was reading the Alchemist, her name was scattered on the last parts of the book, so yeah, she still exists. And she will continue to exist only this time I will live my life in a different world from her. Partly because I've grown tired of this crap and mostly because I found someone new. Apparently, she is way better than that of her. She(the new girl), her(the old hag). Well, you get the gist? So this is me, stupid and carefree, saying goodbye cruel world and hello happy new one!
My coffee break forever from my sick and melancholic past.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


The only thing keeping me awake is this damn coffee. I'm staying up all night trying to figure out how the hell can one picture ignite something buried underneath the ashes of my past? She's an angel and, at the same time, a human, who fills up the emptiness caused by my imperfections with twisted and complex methods I once defined hell. I can compare her to every little star that shines tonight. She's like any other; dull, asymmetrical, small, one in a milion. Floating in the vast empty space, reflecting the light that shines from some other star. But I've grown somehow attracted to this one little star that I can easily perceive her from the crowd. And also, like all the other stars, she's somewhere so far away and unreachable. I always thought so. Even though we were once so close. There was a space between us that cannot be gapped. A wide, unending space. Scared that if I lurk within it, I'd lose my way back. Funny thing about it, is that it happened. Now she's farther away. Even more today than what I felt before. There is no definition for love in this dictionary I keep. Not after what happened. Not ever. Maybe I can give a little connotation... "A game for fools who selflessly devote their time and loyalty to each other, fools who wear true smiles on their faces." I'm no fool. I'm a nobody. Heartless and cold. Harsh and bitter. After all, I'm all lies. Ain't I?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


And knives cut deeply in the evening, painting shades of pain and sorrow over colorless emotions and lifeless portraits. Everything seems so dull and everyone makes me wanna kill this aching heart. I thought it was over and I was over you but one night’s dream sent it all crashing back down on me. Can’t you see? I’m missing you like it has been decades and every moment I think of you feels like nothing is left for me to hang on. You’re taking my breath away, taking me away. Pulling me down and I’m down on my knees, tying me up and I’m restrained. Love exchanged for freedom. Haven’t you noticed that you caught me under your curse? And now I lost myself in the labyrinth you portray, with a knife sharpened by regret… Will it cast death upon an evening sorrow and end the life of a lachrymose feeling, will it cut through the rope that binds my heart and soul to your hands or will those hands take away this knife and slap me back to reality? Your smile was the sweetest I’ve ever seen..Will I be able to see that smile once more or am I going to leave this place without a word from you,
not even goodbye….

Insolent Thoughts and Unended Beginnings

Butterflies fill the cloudy sky, embraced by the rainbow.. Smiles masquerade each street with colorful melodies.. Only a shadow of the boy stands dim against the sight, with emptied eyes that stares into oblivion.. Surrounded by people who greets him… “Good day”, walks endlessly across them.. It’s so hard for you to place an expression on his face..

Melancholic tunes slowly fill the room as the dawning of day breaks the skies, still holding yesterday in his arms.. Fighting the tears that try to escapey his eyes.. His heart, too lethargic, rejects all other emotions for the love it once knew is now gone.. Waiting for a solace, he looks up upon the evening.. Would you take a moment to pick his broken heart and put it back together..?

I Wrote This for the One Named Mela

I’ve more bitter memories to write
much like the stars at night.
Cute love songs withered with agony
as romantic poetry died within me.
I couldn’t face tomorrow
knowing it’s full of sorrow.
Yet your smile took it all away,
one look brightened up my day.
You’re my rainbow after the rain,
your voice is the cure to my pain.
You’re my moonlight after the sun goes down,
the smile that replaces my frown.
The way you make me go crazy..
Feels like I’m falling slowly..
Still inlove with you..
Unlike any other could do..